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Imagine Having A Booked-Out Calendar, Sold-Out Programs & NEVER Having To Worry About Where Clients Will Come From...

The Solution? A fine-tuned funnel & ads strategy.

But here's the reality...

Most people hit "go" on their ads + funnel with high hopes...and realize that ads are —woah—expensive! 

And you kinda, sorta don't know what you're doing...

Each day it feels like your hard-earned coins are getting flushed down the toilet with no real results. 

Maybe you're getting cheap leads...maybe you're not...but no matter what - none of it is turning a profit. 

Maybe you've listened to the podcast gurus...Taken the DIY programs...Tried to build a funnel...

Yet you're struggling because you just need a set of expert eyes to give you customized advice for your specific funnel, NOT a cookie cutter solution that may (or may not!) work.



We live and breathe ads and funnels and know them like the back of our hands.  


If you're selling online, you cannot rely on the myriad cookie-cutter ads + funnel strategies being pandered in the newsfeed. 

You NEED a highly customized strategy that works again and again. 

When you have this...suddenly your calendar is booked out and dreams become reality.

If you are just about to hit "go" on your campaigns OR you have already run campaigns unsuccessfully, this offer is for you.

What Happy Clients Say...

The service I received working with The Modern Ad team was professional, positive, and just what I was looking for!

I’m so glad I took the leap to invest in myself with all of her support and the experience of her team!

Elicia Goodale

Small Business Owner

Stephanie & her team gave me results and was a vital part of my brand's launch. Her team helped us build a brand identity, gave me confidence to show up in my business and made it easy for people to resonate with our brand story.

We had a functional website before working with her team but it was not easy to navigate. She redesigned it and made it really easy to navigate so customers can find what they're looking for and go straight to booking.

Her team continues to go over and beyond for my business. The Modern Ad has been amazing to work with. Highly recommend!

Dr Williams

Director, MedicallyFab Beauty

How To Apply

✔️ Click the button and select a time for your review

✔️ Fill out the questionnaire you're presented with on the next page

✔️ Our team will review your application. If you meet the application criteria and are approved, we will proceed with your scheduled review call.

***Please note: only a limited number of applications will be approved. You'll be notified in advance if you don't meet the application criteria, but we encourage you to apply. 

Please note: This offer is ONLY for those wishing to run ads, prepping to run ads, or who have already run ads. 

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. Facebook is a trademark of Facebook, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: All business entails risk as well as significant and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please do not opt-in or book a strategy call.

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